Tracit360 Tracking Records

Tracit360 Medical Record tracking capabilities

Tracit360, our GS1-compliant solution, offers immediate efficiency savings in tracking, locating, re-filing, and auditing medical records, aiding healthcare trusts in meeting NHS directives and enhancing patient care and safety. Tracit360 accurately tracks patient medical records throughout the healthcare environment, transforming records management into a modern, location-based logistics operation. As part of our solution, each medical record, box, and shelf location will be equipped with a barcode or RFID tag.

Once the patient records are tagged, they can be registered at a location simply by scanning the barcode identification label using a barcode scanner, allowing the records to be tracked using Tracit360. Patients with multiple records will have all associated files grouped and labelled identically, ensuring that all records for a single patient are easily identifiable and stored together after retrieval The system is supported by installing fixed RFID passive readers and sensors to accurately monitor case note movement across the healthcare estate, along with handheld devices for reliably locating case notes electronically. This ensures timely access to patient records.