Tracit360 Tracking Surgical Instruments

Tracit360 is our solution to create a more organised, safe and time-efficient procedure within the operating theatre. In many instances, however, the hospital documentation process is manual and highly labour-intensive. With our Tracit360 solution benefiting an automated tracking system, efficiency has greatly improved, providing hospitals with higher quality and accuracy in documenting crucial surgical instruments and their conditions each day.

Tracit360 benefits on surgical processes:

  • Maximise operational theatre time
  • Ensure sterilisation procedures are followed
  • Tools specific to procedures outside the normal surgical instrumental requirements can be associated with correct patient and procedure
  • Accurate utilisation data helps reduce stock levels while ensuring sufficient equipment is always available
  • Ensure all surgical instruments are accounted for at all stages, prior and post-op
  • The clinical staff are confident that the theatre is fully equipped for the procedure

How passive RFID is integrated into the process